The bearable lateness of being.
Well it is saturday morning. I am off on a 3-hour drive to go and visit my sister this morning. The original plans had me leaving at 8am so as to arrive around 11am and thus have a full day to spend. But now, as I sit here at my computer eating breakfast and obviously not having left, it is 10am and I still have to pack my clothes, shower, take out the garbage, get gas and whatever else strikes me as important before I leave. Oh and don't forget a couple Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Chewy Nut Bars (peanut flavour) for the drive. And the most important component of any road trip: the road trip CD(s). No car should leave the driveway without a "jammin" assortment of driving tunes. Maybe I should actually burn a new CD for the drive right now? Hmmm....looks like I may be driving in the dark at this rate.
Have a great weekend everyone, and if you have a father, give them a big hug on sunday.
Have a great weekend everyone, and if you have a father, give them a big hug on sunday.
very clever
in re: to your title of course
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