Freaks and Geeks
In the news today Goro, of Mortal Kombat fame (pictured above) was the proud father of this newly born bundle of joy:
Word is that they are forming a 2-piece rock band, with Goro playing lead guitar, bass, and handling lead vocals, while his son will play drums, keyboard and backup vocals. Look for the CD in stores this fall.
Nike is also actively seeking the possibility of employing the boy in one of their sweat shops, as they would get 150% of the production out of him compared to the inferior two-armed co-workers, but at the same $0.35 a day wage.
In reality, doctors are baffled on what to do with the extra limb:
"We have no record of any child with such a complete third arm...
It's quite difficult to decide how to do the operation on him."
Note to doctors:
Such comments do not exactly inspire confidence in your patients.
Finally, I would be amiss if I didn't give a special call-out to this other freakish father/daughter duo: Igor and Jess.
You can read more about the beauty pictured directly above at her blog:
bloody embarrassing.
i especially like the part where you say "check out this beauty at her website" ha!
As an aid to my loyal readers I have translated the above comment by "Fluffica" as it was originally posted in monster-speak. For all of my readers of the monster variety, I now give you the original message, untranslated:
"RARRRR!! Errrgghhh? Ungha! Ulahhhhrrr! RARRRR!" (endquote)
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